Featured Services
Predation risk assessment
Planning a translocation or captive-reared release project? We can help.
Predator Management
Want to reduce predation and increase productivity on your site? Give us a call!
Construction Monitoring and Environmental Compliance
Have an upcoming construction project? We’ll help your crew maintain environmental compliance during all phases of the project.
Wildlife research
We strive for a better understanding of predator behavior and ecology and feel that it is essential for enhancing the success of conservation programs across the globe.
protecting endangered species
Wildlife Innovations is dedicated to the recovery and preservation of state and federally listed species. It is our goal to support ongoing conservation programs by helping reduce predation pressure upon listed species without impeding ongoing land-use practices or development projects. Find out how we can help you!
Wildlife Hazard Mitigation
At Wildlife Innovations, we are not only dedicated to protecting listed species but also humans. Certain wildlife species can often present significant safety hazards, both directly and indirectly, in busy areas, such as airports, parks, and neighborhoods. Tell us about your concerns, and we will see if we can help reduce potential wildlife hazards in your area.
Injured and Oiled Wildlife Rescue and Response
Injured Wildlife Rescue—Our Biologists are trained in the safe capture, handling, and transport of sick and injured wildlife (including sensitive species) and provide emergency response services, within client properties, so that wildlife can be taken to licensed and permitted care facilities for rehabilitation.
Oiled Wildlife Response—Spills of hazardous materials (including oil, fuel, and other contaminants) can be detrimental to wildlife. UC Davis’s Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN) is a world leader in oiled wildlife preparedness and response, and Wildlife Innovations is proud to be one of their member organizations that assist the network in the capture and recovery of wildlife contaminated by spills. We also specialize in the application of hazing and deterrence methods to reduce the number of wildlife negatively impacted by spills.